
In the spirit of Einstein, I am convinced that we need a fundamental change of consciousness - i.e. our thinking about how the world works - to solve the problems of our world today. Climate change, the loss of biodiversity or extreme social inequality are only consequences of an out-of-control economic system, which in turn is only a result of our fundamental beliefs about life: that we are separate from creation and our fellow human beings and that there is scarcity. This leads to fear and to resulting compensation mechanisms that ultimately make up our economic system: competition and greed.


My vision is that more and more individuals, organizations and societies change their way of thinking and form a critical mass that helps to establish new forms of coexistence with nature and other people soon enough to meet our current challenges.


The challenges of our time are so pressing that we need to take action wherever and as soon as we can. My field of action are consulting services in the preparation and implementation of development cooperation projects in nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, supporting initiatives from governments, international organizations, NGOs, and private foundations to conserve biodiversity, mitigate climate change and help create environmentally sustainable income for underprivileged groups of the global society. I hope this will help to safe at least some of the natural wonders and ancient cultures until we hopefully transition to a more sustainable and holistic way of life.